中孚 – Truth Within

The I-Ching is full of mysteries. Much has been written and discussed regarding its meanings. This will be brief, hopefully enlightening.

Hexagram 61 (中孚 Zhōng Fú) represents Inner Truth and is figuratively displayed by wind over water.

It’s said that the wind blows and causes ripples atop the regularly peaceful surface of the water, in turn influencing the direction of the ripples.

Similarly, our minds are also swayed and influenced by outside forces, sometimes invisible, like wind. With so many opinions and so much information provided by social media and news outlets, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and impressed.

It’s in these moments the I-Ching unravels it’s mystery and becomes an applicable skill. Inner Truth is asking that we return to our authentic selves after being open to embrace ideas, concepts and thoughts, not our own.

Thus offering a full range of information to analyze and then impart our own thoughts.

The mind returns to peace like water returns to a still surface.

Often times we don’t give ourselves the agency to be our authentic selves. We accept, deal with, or are just led to believe something that doesn’t sit well with our soul. Whether it’s to gain someone’s favor, seeking acceptance, fear of rejection, or simply don’t want to rock the boat. Being authentic or true-to-self, doesn’t necessarily mean disagreeing, being rude, or disrespectful. In fact, quite the opposite. Truth within promotes peace within.